A gallery
of photos posted below show pictures inspired mainly of a gothic style. I
invite you to viev all photos :)
pendant in gothic style. I put in the frame ( in antique gold colour) a
cabochon which shows an image of a devil woman.
A pendant made of metal parts. In addition I
put a black bead suspended on a chain.
A choker in red and black. I I was forced to sew it by hand because of the lack of sewing machine. Now,
fortunately, I do not have this problem, and so simple tailoring treatments can
be done with the use of it.
whose main element is a metal decorative flower. At the bottom were attached
some black beads.
A necklace. The main theme is a black jewel
placed in a frame in a silver colour. At the bottom of the frame there are
three decorative beads. The jewel I placed on a black lace strap.
A pendant made because of upcoming Halloween.
The same word "Halloween" was made by using the technique of wire
writing. At the bottom I put someblack beads which at the top are also also of
an orange wire. The whole pendant is placed on the chain in a copper color.
A pendant mainly made of a metal. I
used wire, grey bead and black strap to make this pendant .
A pendant made mainly of metal. I used white bead and wire in grey color which entwine one of elements.
The only one guideline which I received before
the implementation of this project was referring to the Gothic style. I put two
metal bat-shaped elements and tiny zircons too. While in the middle of a pendant
there is an element in the shape of a book, and on it the word 'blood'. At the
bottom of a book I put a black bead in the shape of droplet (of blood). I also
added a few other ornaments in silver and black.
pendant made of a one moon-shaped part of a watch mechanism and other
decorations. 'On the moon' I put a element in shape of a mirror and on it a
rose in violet. Around rose there is a "white mist" ( camera didn't
capture it). Next to the mirror I put wing-shaped decoration. The upper and
lower "corner of the Moon" combines the chain.pendant made for and
order made of a mechanism of the pocket watch and some decorative elements.

A pendant in silver, black and white. It was made mainly of metal. The base there is a quite big heart-shaped element with mechanism of the Soviet watchIn addition mechanism was decorated by element in a shape of a cross. At the bottom of pendant I put chain with black and white jewels.

A pendant made of metal and glass. On glass surface I put a decorative element with white zircon. Whole pendant was wrapped with wire in antique silver. A pendant also was placed on a chain connected to the strap.
A pendant whom basis is a big, black jewel.
Whole pendant was decorated with tin wire. On the pendant surface I placed also
two green roses, one leaf-shaped element, one zircon and a chain in silver too.

A pendant with Cthulhu theme made mainly of metal. Around Cthulhu theme I put some screws different size

A pendant with a wolf theme.

Black pendant. The basis of tis work is a jewel
decorated by me with some black lace. On te jewel surface I put a red rose with
an element in antique gold, imitating a loaf. An additional decoration is a
chain in antique gold.Work made for a store Black Garden.
A pendant made for an order. It refers to works
of H. P. Lovecraft and specifically to Cthulhu theme and also to the Elder
Sign. The pendant is double-sided but two pendents could also be worn
Transparent pendant decorated with a wire and
other elements in steel colour. It was decorated also with zirconia.

Pendant - bottle. At the beginning I put on the
glass surface piece of black lace. At the top and at the bottom of lace I added
purple straps. The main decoration - key in antique gold, was placed by me on
these two straps. I also painted a cork in a black .
Another pendant-bottle. This time I put inside
in snake-shaped chain and also several white and purple zirconias representing
the title "snake's treasure". A cork was painted by me in purple.
Pendant - bottle with black lace and also azure
rose theme.

Once again pendant - bottle. Inside there are
green feathers. Meanwhile on the outer surface I used some black lace decorated
with an element in antique gold and also another one, green zircon.

Pendant inspired of gothic style. It is
dominated by black and red. At the beginning I decorated a small glass pendant
with black lace and with wire. Later I added a red rose. Finally I added a
large wing in silver and chains.
Pendant-bottle in red and black. It was decorated with black lace, skull theme and red roses. A cork was painted bym me in black. Inside I put some red elements.

Pendant - bottle with octopus theme.

Pendant with a wolf theme (in the background - Full Moon). Around the main ornament there is a round, metal frame with some decorative elements and with some grey wire. At the bottom of pendant I put also a white jewel. Moreover round frame was decorated with some incisions, symbol of dewclaws traces.
Pendant - bottle inspired of gothic style. First I decorated a grass surface wit black leather (previously I put a polished strap and also two studs on this leather piece). Then I added a green and grey decoration. Finally I painted a bottle cork in black.

A pendant in silver,
black and also in green. The main decorative theme there are seahorses.

A pendant in red,
silver and black. It was made with the mechanism of the Soviet watch. The
mechanism was decorated with some black and red elements. At the bottom I put
also a black jewel.

Pendant - bottle made
for an order. It is dominated by three colors as green, purple and black,
according to purchaser guidlines.

Pendant - bottle with
wing and also rose theme.
Pendant - bottle in
black, silver and green. The main theme there is a butterfly with openwork
wings. I painted a cork in black.
A brooch which consists of a red cabochon located in the frame and a bat placed in the bottom of a brooch. I put also a chain in antique gold colour.
A pendant in gothic style. In the frame I put a
cabochon which shows an image of a cross and a text "gothic". In the
bottom of a pendant I placed a black bead and a chain.
Brooch in gothic style
made by using of a frame in antique gold colour, black jewel, orange zircon,
some black beads and few decorative elements.
A brooch which main theme is a black and white cameo placed on a mechanism of the Soviet watch. On the sides there are two wing-shaped elements. At the bottom I put a black and silver jewel and a black ribbon. I put also some chains.
A brooch made for a online shop ravenmarket.pl.
I put some decorative elements in a silver and black color on a big safety-pin.
I added three chains too.
A brooch made for a online shop ravenmarket.pl.
in antique gold, white, black colour. The main theme there is a cameo. I added
three chains and a black jewel too.
brooch made for a online shop ravenmarket.pl. in silver, black, white and
purple colour. The main theme there is a cameo. Around it there are four metal
elements whose layout resembles a cross. Between them I put purple zircons. On
the right side of cameo I put also a wing-shaped element.
A silver and black brooch in gothic style. The main decoration there is a bat-shaped element with white zircon which I put on anothere decoration-wing in silver.

A brooch with
castle theme which I put on the mechanism of the Soviet watch. the base of
brooch is element in gold and black. All elements there are in frame in silver

- clip with skull theme in gothic style.
A bracelet made mainly of metal and black
leather. On the front there is an image of Cthulhu, a character invented by
american writer H.P.Lovecraft (1890-1937). On the sides I put some round
decorations and two different chains. At the back there is a key, a symbol of
transition between the real world and the world of dreams ( According to prose
of Lovecraft, Cthulhu, even when he was sleeping, could creep into the dream world
of people to suggest them various visions. The title of this album is at the
same time the title of short story of Lofecraft. For more information I refer
to 'technical literature'.
Another bracelet with a
Cthulhu theme made by me. As before, so now I put this character from novels of
H.P. Lovecraft, on the mechanism of the Soviet watch, which in addition was
located in a metal wheel. On the sides of this wheel and on the whole bracelet
there are irregular pieces of metal in the color of antiue silver. They refer
not only to the purely physical destruction portrayed in the set of "The
Call of Cthulhu" (ship, city), but also the mental, caused in the mind of
the main character who wants to to uncover a one secret .... Additional
decoration there are round elements in the color of antique silver. To make
this bracelet I used also black leather and a chain-serpent.
Bracelet with Cthulhu
theme made of metal and leather. In the central part I put a mechanism with
Cthulhu theme. On the sides there are two buckles. At the back and on the sides
of whole bracelet I put metal decorations.
Earrings made of big, black beads. On their surface I put metal feather-shaped elements with green zircons too. Ear wires are silver plated.
Earrings in black and green. At the beginning I decorated oblong beads with black lace. Then I added green roses. At the bottom I put black jewels.
Earrings with bat theme (in the background - full moon).
Earrings in shade of blue and silver.
Earrings with bat theme.
Ring with Cthulhu theme. It was made mainly of metal. The base there is a mechanism of the Soviet watch. A ring is adjustable.
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