This page serves to a presentation of my jewelry projects inspired of steampunk style again. This time there are brooches. I invite  you to watch them. :)




Brooch and/or hairclip in steampunk style. It was made of some parts of the Soviet watch and different, decorative elements.


 Brooch and clip made of a mechanism and some parts of the Soviet watch.I added a black rose and some decorative elements too.



 A brooch and a clip in steampunk style, made of a mechanism of the Soviet watch and some decorative elements. The title refers of course to a book of Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" because a brooch just reminds me "Sauron's eye", a character rappresented in this literary work.


 A brooch in antique gold, silver, black and white color.



 A brooch made of different metal elements. The base is a mechanism of the Soviet watch where I put a key in silver colour. Under there are "butterfly's wings". At the bottom of a brooch I placed also a black and silver jewel.


A brooch made of a grey clock face and mainly metal parts. On a clock's face surface I put an element which shows a pocket watch. At the bottom there is a chain with a wing-shaped decoration and with a transparent bead.


A brooch which is composed of different metal elements. The main decorative theme there is wing and rose. In addition, I put a small purple bead but on the photo it look like a black one.



A brooch made of a mechanism of the Soviet watch which also was decorated by many metal elements like a rose-shaped one.


A brooch. The main theme is a clock face placed in a frame in antique gold. On the sides there are two wings which addiotionaly were decorated by two elements in antique silver. The frame was also placed in a next one in gold. At the bottom I added some chains in antique gold and finally a decorative key in silver.



A brooch in antique gold ang green. It was made of a mechanism of the Soviet watch which is located in the rectangular frame. Additional decoration there is a green jewel. 



A brooch made of a mechanism and some parts of the Soviet watch. I put additionally a decorative swallow-shaped element in antique gold.



A brooch mainly made of metal. The main decoration there is a mechanism and some parts of the Soviet watch. My intention was to present a face of a child and this is the reason for which has been given the title of the album (one of elements reminds curl, two big elements remind eyes, another one mouth and base of a brooch reminds a bonnet.


A brooch in steampunk style made of mechanism and some parts of the Soviet watch and in addition of other decorative elements like white zircons.



A brooch in yellow, orange, grey and gold. It was made of e machanism and one part of the Soviet watch. A mechanism is decorated also by jewel.



 A brooch with seahorse theme. On element in antique gold I a seahorse-shaped decoration. On the sides of seahorse I put two decorative elements.


A brooch with tree theme which I placed on a mechanism of the Soviet watch. The base of whole brooch there is a element in grey and gold. At the bottom of brooch I put also chain with big, green bead.


A brooch in warm colors such as bronze, orange, antique gold. Only the base is in silver. A brooch was made mainly of metal. On the surface of orange mechanism I put element in antique gold and then another one with brown and orange jewel.


A brooch made of some elements of watch in antique gold. The main decoration is a key with cat theme and wings. Next to the key I put violet zircon. On the clock face I made some scratches which resemble rays.



Brooch in marine style. On the round, turquoise and antique gold brooch basis I put another round element, this time in white. Then I put a blue ornament with a metal frame in the middle of it. On the edges of blue decoration I put also an element in the shape of the steering wheel.


A brooch mainly made of metal. In a  frame I put mechanism of the Soviet watch. On the surface of mechanism there is a key-shaped element (with cat theme) in antique gold with violet zircon. Close to the key I put also another violet zircon.



A brooch made of a mechanism of the Soviet watch. On the surface I put a wing-shaped element in gold and also other decorations.



A brooch mainly made of clock parts. The base there is brown, leather element with buckle in antique gold. On clock surface I put a wing with red rose and other decorative element too. Whole clock face was located in a frame in color of gold.


Brooch made with some parts of watch. In frame in gold I put a mechanism of the Soviet watch with green zircon.


Steampunk brooch.



Brooch in silver and pink.

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